Friday, November 16, 2012

The Highs...and The Lows....


Agents that work in REO are a different breed than the normal agent ... a mutation if you will. We live in a different world. I personally love being assigned a property. For me, a property assignment feels like I'm a kid at Christmas! I can't wait to go see the property. It doesn't matter if it's a single-wide full of livestock in the middle of nowhere or a beautiful 2 story in a prestigious neighborhood (although we would all rather market the later). I'm so full of anticipation, excitement, and unadulterated joy, that I have seriously considered brushing my teeth in the car to hurry and get there. I am aware this is my own personal quirk...but as REO agents we all have some! REO is like Forest Gump's box of chocolates ... you never know what you're going to get! The only thing you can be sure of is the highs and lows of this particular roller coaster ride.
The High:  Your favorite asset manager has assigned you another property.
The Low:  The home is occupied by someone who looks really scary and you aren't current on your America's Most Wanted viewing ... but you're pretty sure he's probably on it.
The High:  A well organized, cooperative vacating of a property without even having to give cash for the keys .
The Low: An eviction taking place while the occupant's children are getting off the school bus - the week before Christmas.
The High: A home left clean.
The Low: Garbage piled higher than you are tall, complete with a resident rooster and 2 ducks.
The High: Trash-out approval and completion within the same week.
The Low: The trash-out crew emptied the neighbor's shed and they are now suing for $5000 for their 15 year old mower and old paint cans (sentimental value you know).
The High:  The asset manager priced the property in the realm of reality!
The Low:  One priced $40,000 high and you have to remove 5 trees stumps because the 2nd opinion bpo said so.

The High: A well run negotiation (love, love, love a good negotiation)
The Low: The agent bringing the offer hasn't heard a word you said about title, escrow, closing within 30 days, pre-qual letter, and truly thinks "bank owned" means 50 cents on the dollar.

The High: Multiple offers! (more negotiation!)
The Low: No offers...but marketing reports that are due in what feels like every 4 days.
The High: Escrow officers that work well with a well oiled machine.
The Low: The escrow officer who needs 5 days after receiving loan docs to prepare them for a courtesy signer, and then fails to disburse funds as directed by the commission disbursement form you faxed no less than 8 times.
The High: Reaching the end of the 6 hour bill paying session paying the utilities and maintenance on the properties you've been assigned and you still have enough left in your account to pay your own bills.
The Low: Waiting 2-6 months to be reimbursed.
The High: You order utilities on and there isn't a $1400 past due water bill on the property from the previous mortgagor.
The Low: The $497.26 closing electric bill arrives on a property that closed 3 weeks ago...and you know it's too late to get reimbursed.
The High: Being assigned a multi-family dwelling in a high demand area.
The Low: Finding out all legal access was sold with an adjoining parcel by the previous mortgagor prior to the trustee's sale.
The High: Getting the local code enforcement officer off your back because the bank finally authorized the removal of 32 cars in various stages of "undress".
The Low: Coming back a week later to find someone has dumped 14 more.
The High: An asset manager with a good attitude and a sense of humor.
The Low: An asset manager who assumes you are too stupid to find your way to your computer.
The High: A selling agent who does their part of the job.
The Low: A selling agent who is too stupid to find their way to their computer.
The High: Your most recent property assignment is vacant.
The Low: Noticing the children's toys next to the drug paraphernalia.
The High: Getting all your bpos, photo reports and marketing reports done and turned in ahead of their due date.
The Low: Finding out a week later someone wanted everything over-nighted to India instead.
The High: Farmer John finally moved down the road to live with his cousin so you can re-key and get on with things.
The Low: He left 8 goats and 20 cows for you to figure out how to find homes for and.... "No", animal control has no desire to help you.
The High: Knowing you are good at your job and you do it well.
The Low:  Trying to explain to family and friends why you don't feel bad evicting someone who has made poor choices.
The High: Achieving a level of success that allows you to buy a vehicle that you really love and adore.
The Low: Realizing you just brought fleas into it from the last occupancy check.
The High:  The 1968 single wide with broken pipes, no foundation, and broken windows finally got a cash buyer who for some unknown reason sees potential for it to be their dream home after a year of marketing.
The Low: Finding out the title elimination has never been done and no one knows where the mobile home title is.... and it takes another two years to find it.
The High: Being assigned a property that looks as pretty from the street as a  "normal agent's" listing.
The Low: Finding out the garage was actually built on the neighbor's lot and there is 3 feet of standing water in the crawl.

The High: Absolutely loving your job!!
The Low: Working with asset managers, escrow officers, or other agents that don't.
Who knows why an agent decides to specialize in REO...maybe our mother's dropped us on our heads as infants...maybe we have some underlying, deep-seated masochistic  tendency...or maybe we just have always liked the roller coaster over the Ferris wheel. But the next time you're headed down the freeway, and you see a woman brushing her teeth in the car... it's just me. On my way to the next assignment, thrilled and excited. Wave hello and move over to the slow lane!

                                                            Adrienne Gillis

                                                            REO Specialist





When it comes time to choose your REO agent, choose a team that has seen the gamete of good – bad- and ugly!


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